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Tuesday, August 04, 2009


i'm currently in limbo... for many reasons. and i need to find my place... err... i need a sign to show me where my place is. (aka chem board exams, where my whole future will unfold) failing would just mean that i'd get my 2nd degree, passing would mean that i'm meant to be a chemist. for now, i'm still in limbo. lost.

i need a fresh start.


i was browsing through my friend's livejournal. hindi na rin masyadong active mga tao dun, pati sa multiply konti na lang mga tao. i don't like maintaining accounts for the sake of maintainance. so if i leave multiply, it would be like my friendster account. it's still there, but i'm not.

i don't want to open a facebook account. the temptation to play the games would be too much. i'm too obsessive to resist. so, no, i can't afford to start with facebook only to ruin my life.

you know i'm not a fan of maintaining and "keep in touch" in the real sense. i don't txt friends who i haven't seen in the longest time to catch up. it's much more special when it's a coincidence when we bump into each other at an event we're not even invited to. right?

i need those moments. i need to see a genuine smile that i haven't seen in a while without going through the planning. kulang nako sa social life.

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