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Monday, January 04, 2010

attention msi cwts students

attached is the job description for the community dev't officer needed in bataan. aalis na yata si kuya borms so kailangan ng bagong volunteer. just thought you might be interested.




Needed young adventurous graduate interested in helping poor communities particularly the Aytas.


Qualifications:  Graduates of Health Education, Field Biology, Agriculture; previous volunteer experience a big plus!


Position Description: Perform a variety of tasks related to the development of the Ayta community in Kanawan, Morong, Bataan


Work Stations: Kanawan Aytas Reservation and CBMSF Office in New Intramuros Village, Diliman


Support will come from the following projects:



CBMSF-PTFCF project on the “Establishment of an Integrated Reforestation, Conservation and Sustainable livelihood Program for the Kanawan Aytas at the Bataan National Park” 



UNESCO project on the “Development of an Educational Program for Aytas on Bioresource Management and Productivity Systems”


Main Responsibilities:


PTFCF project

Learners:  Ayta and non-Ayta children, youth and young adults who live in the Kanawan Negritos Reservation Area

Approach:  Highly participatory and problem oriented


IECC activities

-       Develop awareness and concern for biodiversity and conservation

-       Teach Aytas about hygienic principles and practices

-       Teach Aytas about the importance of recycling and proper disposal of waste

-       Participate in regular “darangan” sessions where Ayta elders talk about traditional practices and experiences in protecting their ancestral domain

-       Translate project proposal and reports from English to Tagalog; explain to Aytas as needed


UNESCO project

Target Beneficiaries:  Ayta young adults in Morong and Bagac

Approach:  Highly participatory and problem oriented



-       Formulate questions for training needs analysis of Aytas who are young adults and high school graduates

-       Carry out the training needs analysis for target beneficiaries


Administrative Support Activities


-       Complete relevant administrative tasks including record-keeping and monitoring of activities

-       Write reports as required

-       Contribute to the improvement of approaches and strategies for effective management of projects

-       Provide relevant management information to Project Director as required/needed

-       Other task as may be required from time to time

-       Coordinate with the Tribal Council, Tribal Elders, project team members, and volunteers regarding activities with community

-       Other task as may be required from time to time

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