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Sunday, July 05, 2009


when i still had the luxury of blogging whenever i want (nung may sarili pa akong laptop or at least wala akong kaagaw) i used to write down all the dreams that i could remember. it's just that dreams are more honest than my own thoughts or words. it helps me admit things that i've been denying for the longest time. it's often easier to tell you my dreams than to actually pour my soul out. i'm not really the confrontation type of person. i'd rather tell you a story than tell you my problems.

i've had lots of weird dreams lately. obviously, stress has been following me wherever i go. 2009 might be my year. remember that episode of as told by ginger when ginger's brother would try to chase bad luck? he believes that the more bad luck you get, the more goodluck you'd get in the future. i think goodluck is coming soon. hopefully, really soon.


here are the few clips that i could recall from my recent dreams. my family were eating in this dark restaurant. we were the only ones there. i went to the counter to order something. this restaurant guy came to me and tried to assist me with whatever i needed. he was tall. his hair was short but not too short. it covered part of his face but i could still see his eyes. it suddenly rained. yup, sa loob ng restaurant umulan. he pulled out a transparent umbrella then we rushed outside.

there were lots of kids everywhere. it was like a park full of young boys. oo na pedo nako haha. they started hitting each other. it was so violent. even mr. restaurant guy joined in the fight. it was terrible. oh well... it's just a dream.

of course there's more. yun lang wala nakong oras at pinapaalis nanaman ako sa laptop. yey next time na lang

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